

(Document released by the President of HC/HC on September 13, 1997)

For the past two thousand years, the Church which the Lord Jesus Christ established is undergone many crises from the initial persecutions to many and diverse forms of attacks which She has experienced down through the centuries.

The Church, however, has never been in danger of collapse or disintegration. She is the divine institution established by Christ Himself as His eternal Bride. It is He Who promised that even the powers of hell would never be able to prevail against Her.

In the past three months, individuals, groups, and self-appointed organizations, seeing themselves as the conscience of the Church have surprisingly made detrimental and even embarrassing public statements regarding the state of the Church in America, specifically the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. Dire predictions and forecasts of doom have been carelessly promulgated by those with no correct or complete information regarding the state of the Archdiocese, especially the Holy Cross School of Theology and its College.

It is ironic that no reference has been made to the Holy Spirit Who has preserved the Church in spite of Her people from the great day of Pentecost. It is as if the College and Seminary are no more than secular institutions which only human power and reason can sustain. They see the Seminary as of the people, by the people, and for the people. They do not see it as of God, by God, and for God's mission in the world.

Hellenic College and Holy Cross has just began its new academic year as it has the previous fifty-nine. The idealism of its students, the new and the continuing ones, can only come from God Who built the School for His Church and His people.

Within this inspirational idealism, one sees that the School cannot have personal agendas. Individual biases and aspirations should have no room for personal gain and recognition. Its recognition is the Lord Jesus Christ; its gain is the glory of God.

The School will continue to fulfill its mission by preparing men for the holy priesthood to go out into this sinful world to save those who seek salvation. It will continue to send out women and men in the other ministries to remind the world of man being the crown of God's creation who is more valuable than the materialistic greed that has inundated almost all of life. Hellenic College and Holy Cross will continue to do this by the power of the Holy and Life-giving Cross even until the return of Her divine Founder.

[ ALITHEIA-ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ |  -  September 13, 1997 ]