
Alitheia-Αλήθεια - October 24, 1997

A LETTER TO THE EDITOR OF "U.S. News & World Report"

October 24, 1997

U. S. News & World Report
2400 N. Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20037

Attn: Tony Lunger.


Paul Glastris' Story: "An American Born Archbishop. Old World Values", October 20, 1997, reflects, I believe, the author's preconceived notion that everything is not well with the Greek Orthodox in America and their spiritual leader, Archbishop Spyridon. Most of what he writes does not match the facts. Mr. Glastris allowed his personal prejudice to creep into the story. The article has affected me personally, and professionally because of the distortion of his interview with me.

Attributing to me words such as "foolish mistakes" instead of "tactical mistakes" that I really said, does not bring honor to your highly regarded publication.

Am I naive to ask for a retraction? I hope not. Such an act will restore my faith in your journalistic fairness.

Rev. George Papaioannou

[ ALITHEIA-ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ |  -  October 24, 1997 ]