
GOARCH - February 25, 1997

Father Sylvester Berberis Named Director of St. Basil Academy

New York - His Eminence Archbishop Spyridon has announced the appointment of the Very Rev. Sylvester Berberis as Director of St. Basil Academy,effective immediately. Father Berberis, is the pastor of Holy Cross Church in Brooklyn, NY, and also has served as pastor of Zoodochos Peghe in the Bronx and Kimisis Tis Theotokou, Southampton, NY. A native of Greece, Father Berberis received a masters degree in Church History from the John XXIII Institute of Fordham University.

He will continue to serve Holy Cross Church until a successor is appointed by His Eminence Archbishop Spyridon.

In making the announcement, Archbishop Spyridon noted the great zeal and dedication with which Father George had served the Church and the Archdiocese; as pastor; as director of St. Basil Academy and two years ago returning from retirement to assume the directorship of St. Basil Academy for the second time. He had, however, recently requested several times to be relieved of his responsibilities in order to retire once again. Unfortunately, because of the recent and sudden illness of Father Neofotistos, the Archbishop felt it necessary to accept the resignation and appoint a new director.

  February 25, 1997 ]