
GOARCH - June 4, 1997

Very Rev. Gabriel Karambis
named as Archiepiscopal Administrator of HC/HC

New York - His Eminence Archbishop Spyridon has announced that affective immediately, the Very Reverend Archimandrite Gabriel Karambis will serve as the Archiepiscopal Administrator at Hellenic College Holy Cross School of Theology in Brookline, MA.

Father Karambis has served faithfully for 21 years in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in the parishes of Holy Trinity, Chicago, IL, Saints Constantine and Helen, Bellville, IL and Saint Nicholas in Oak Lawn, IL. Father Karambis will continue his responsibilities as the Director of the Stewardship Office at the Archdiocese, while he serves as Archiepiscopal Administrator of the Seminary.

Father Karambis holds a Master of Divinity Degree from Holy Cross School of Theology and also serves on the Clergy Benefits Committee of the Archdiocese.

A special committee will also be established in order to assist Father Karambis. This committee will be comprised of clergy, who as graduates of Holy Cross School of Theology, have a good understanding of the needs of this sacred institution of Our Holy Archdiocese.

  June 4, 1997 ]