The Orthodox Church - May/June 1997
Ecumenical Patriarchate names Central American Metropolitan
PANAMA CITY, PANAMA — His Grace, Bishop Athenagoras of Dorylaion was installed as the first Metropolitan of the newly-established Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Panama and Central America here January 25, 1997.
Established by the Ecumenical Patriarchate after the former Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America was divided into four separate metropolitan sees, the new archdiocese includes Greek Orthodox parishes in all Central American countries, Mexico, Venezuela, Columbia and all Caribbean islands, including Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Bahamas.
His Eminence, Archbishop Spyridon of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America presided over enthronement ceremonies as the personal representative of His All-Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. Numerous religious and civil dignitaries were also present, including the Minister of Education of Panama and the ambassadors of Greece, Cyprus, Russia and the US.
[ The Orthodox Church - May/June 1997 - p. 15 ]