
Remarks by His Eminence Archbishop Spyridon

at the Second Plenary Session of the 34th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress

Orlando - July 9, 1998

Good morning to all of you.

Before we resume the work of our plenary session today, I wanted to share a few thoughts with you. I have listened to the deliberations and the debate, marked sometimes by strong sentiments and emotions.

I must say to all of you, that I am proud of the Christian spirit of dialogue that has prevailed. I am proud of the conduct of the chair and of all the speakers, who, although passionate in their opinions, do not compromise the love that we share in Christ for one another. I was especially moved by the profound personal feelings that were so openly expressed on the floor of this Congress.

I want all of you to know, that I have listened with the greatest attention to your concerns, and I shall always do so. I recognize the painful aspects of much of our deliberations. I am honored that you have shared your deepest feelings about the Church with me.

I have heard your concerns with discretion, and I assure you that they will be the basis for further loving reflection. I believe that the work we are doing at this Congress is the foundation for a new beginning.

I pray with all my heart, that the remainder of this plenary session, will be distinguished by a responsible and true witness to our beloved Greek Orthodox Faith. I look to all of you to be faithful to the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. May God grant us a measure of His infinite wisdom to do so. Amen.

[ GOARCH -  -  1998 ]
[ 43rd Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress -
  -to-the-second-plenary-session  -  2016 ]