
GOARCH - September 28, 1998

Update on Archdiocese Action to Protect Privacy of the Faithful

NEW YORK - The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, which is currently involved in litigation over the Archdiocese confidential membership list, takes this opportunity to note that the membership lists of every parish continue to be held with the same degree of confidentiality and respect for privacy that they have always been. As these lists are generated from the stewardship participation of the individual parishioners, these lists are part of the sacred offering to God and His Holy Church that stewardship represents.

The Archdiocese further notes that the organization known as GOAL has agreed, through their attorneys, not to use the list of members of the Archdiocese, or any extract therefrom, which was used in connection with their June newsletter to communicate with members of the Archdiocese, until at least November 2, 1998. At that time, if the matter has not been amicably settled, a hearing has been scheduled which will hopefully expedite the return of the property of the Archdiocese and will secure that there will be no further unauthorized use of the membership list.

  September 28, 1998 ]