Orthodox News - November 17, 1999
Unaudited Metropolitan's discretionary account looms over OCA Metropolitan Council meeting
By Stephen P. Angelides
BDO Seidman conducted the audit of another Orthodox jurisdiction in the United States, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, in 1998. The former primate of that jurisdiction, Archbishop Spyridon, was forced to resign on August 19, 1999, after a two year campaign for his removal led by iay groups and clergy, and ultimately joined by his fellow U.S. hierarchs.
Among the numerous charges against Spyridon were alleged financial improprieties. However, in its 1998 report, Seidman gave the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese a clean audit for 1997.
[ Orthodox News - Volume 1 Number 21 - November 17, 1999 www.orthodoxnews.com/stories/usnews11151999234043.shtml" ]