For the Studies of Greek Language and Culture
in our Community School System in the USA

The Archbishop's Commission
on Greek Language and Hellenic Culture

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese
New York, New York

September 1998

Ι.  Personal Background

  Please check where appropriate and fill in blanks:

1)   I am a teacher of Greek, at the __________ level.

______ I was born in Greece.
______ I was born in the United States or elsewhere but not in Greece.

My age is:

between 20 & 40 _______;
between 40 & 60 _______;
60 _______.

2)   I am a student of Greek, at the __________ level.

    I am __________ years old.

3)   I am a parent of a student studying Greek.

______ I was born in Greece.
______ I was born in the United States or elsewhere, but not in Greece.
______ My spouse was born in Greece.
______ My spouse was born in the United States or elsewhere, but not in Greece.

Ethnic background of myself and/or my spouse, if not Greek:

ΙΙ.  Evaluation    (to be completed by teachers)

    Circle one of the choices for each question and, where appropriate, fill in blanks:

1.  How would you rate the quality of the instructional materials used?

poor fair good excellent

2.  Which textbook(s) do you use?


3.  How would you rate the number of classroom hours per week?

inadequate adequate more than adequate

4.  How many classroom hours per week are devoted to each of your classes?


5.  How would you rate the interest and involvement of your students?

poor fair good excellent

6.  How would you rate the parents' support of their children?

poor fair good excellent

7.  My curriculum is

imposed suggested designed entirely be me

8.  How much time do you spend preparing for each class?

about _______________ hours.

9.  How satisfied are you with your working conditions?

not at all fairly satisfied very satisfied

10.  I volunteer my teaching and receive no compensation.

________Yes      ________No

11.  If you receive a salary, how satisfied are you with it?

not at all fairly satisfied very satisfied

12.  How satisfied are you with your benefits?
(health insurance, vacations, etc.)

not at all fairly satisfied very satisfied

13.  How often are you able to go to Greece?

rarely fairly often frequently

14.  How often do you have in-house teacher training?

rarely fairly often frequently

15.  (if applicable)  The quality of my in-house teacher training is:

poor adequate excellent

16.  Would you like to have additional in-house teacher training?

________Yes      ________No

17.  Do you have an effective support network?________Yes   ________No

If yes:

parents PTA Archdiocese other

18.  What in your opinion is the optimal age for beginning the study of Greek?

_______________ years old

19.  Rate the skills that you think should be emphasized in language learning, in order of importance. Use the following scale:

1 = most important3 = 3rd in importance
2 = 2nd in importance4 = least important


20.  In your opinion, what should be the most important areas in your school curriculum? Use the following scale:

1 = most important3 = 3rd in importance
2 = 2nd in importance4 = 4th in importance
5 = least important



21.  Rate your supply of effective audio-visual materials.

inadequate adequate superior

22.  In which way(s) do you test your students?
(circle all that apply)

oral exams written exams

     (if written):

essays multiple choice translations

23.  How much homework do you give?

none little a fair amount much

ΙΙΙ.  Evaluation   (to be completed by students)

Circle one of the choices for each question and, where appropriate, fill in blanks:

1.  How would you rate the quality of your instruction?

poor fair good excellent

2.  How would you rate the quality of the instructional materials used?

poor fair good excellent

3.  Which textbook(s) do you use?


4.  How would you rate the number of classroom hours per week?

inadequate adequate more than adequate

5.  How many classroom hours per week are devoted to Greek in your case?


6.  What do you like best?

oral work written work reading grammar

7.  What do you like least?

oral work written work reading grammar

8.  Rate the skills that you think should be emphasized in language instruction, in order of importance.
Use the following scale:

1 = most important3 = 3rd in importance
2 = 2nd in importance4 = least important


9.  Which have been the most important areas in your school curriculum?
Use the following scale:

1 = most important3 = 3rd in importance
2 = 2nd in importance4 = 4th in importance
5 = least important


_______religion______literature ______language

10.  How much homework is assigned?

none too little fair amount much too much

11.  (for students who have been to Greece recently):
When in Greece, I found that I could

________ understand very little
________ understand enough
________ understand a lot
________ read street signs
________ read advertisements
________ read newspapers
________ not be understood
________ be poorly understood
________ be easily understood

ΙV.  Evaluation     (to be completed by parents)

Circle one of the choices for each question and, where appropriate, fill in blanks:

1.  How would you rate the number of classroom hours per week?

inadequate adequate more than adequate

2.  How many classroom hours per week are devoted to your child's instruction in Greek?


3.  Rate the skills that you think should be emphasized in language instruction, in order of importance. Use the following scale:

1 = most important3 = 3rd in importance
2 = 2nd in importance4 = least important


4.  In your opinion, what should be the most important areas in your child's school curriculum? Use the following scale:

1 = most important3 = 3rd in importance
2 = 2nd in importance4 = 4th in importance
5 = least important



5.  In your opinion, how much homework is assigned?

too little fair amount much too much

6.  How much Greek is spoken in your home?

none a little a fair amount a lot

7.  How often do you travel to Greece with your family?

never occasionally frequently

8.  If you do travel to Greece, how well does your child communicate with native speakers?

poorly fairly well quite well

9.  How involved are you and your family with a Greek community in America?

not at all minimally quite a lot

10.  Do you subscribe to a Greek-language newspaper or magazine?


11.  If there is a radio or TV program in the Greek language in your community, how often do you listen to it?

never infrequently frequently

12.  Does your child read Greek-language books at home?


13.  Are there Greek-speaking grandparents living in your household or nearby?


14.  In your opinion, what are the most important factors governing your child's successful acquisition of Greek language and culture? Use the following scale:

1 = most important3 = 3rd in importance
2 = 2nd in importance4 = 4th in importance
5 = least important

_______ excellent schooling
_______ a supportive home environment
_______ travel to Greece
_______ living in a Greek neighborhood
_______ other (please explain) ________________________________

15.  Does your child have a Greek pen-pal?


Recommendations for improvement

(This section is meant for everyone: teachers, students, and parents.
Please be frank. Use an additional page if necessary.)

Thank you for your
time, interest, and cooperation.
Please return this document to:

Professor John A. Rassias
Chair, Archbishop's Commission
6071 Wentworth Hall
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755