OCL - September 1, 2004
From the Pew
A Letter to Archbishop Demetrios
Archbishop Demetrios
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
8-10 East 79th Street
New York City, NY 10021
Ref: Solicitation of donations by the Archdiocese
Your Eminence:
Normally I would respond favorably to the recent solicitation by the Archdiocese for a donation. However, the word is out that the communicants of the Greek Orthodox Church of America are not members of the Archdiocese. What a shame. Therefore, I do not feel inclined to donate. I pray that the good Lord will enlighten the Church leadership to recognize the fact that the communicants are the Church, and that without us there would be no Greek Orthodox Church in America. In other words, if the Church is to stay afloat, we, the communicants, must be recognized as members of the Archdiocese. The buildings are not the Church. We communicants are the Church.
Many of us, communicants, have served in the Armed Forces of the United States, from WW-2 to the present time, to ensure the preservation of democracy, and to destroy despotic dictatorships. Little did we Greek Orthodox combat veterans realize that we would be confronted with coercion within the realm of our own beloved Greek Orthodox Church, right here in America. The dictatorial methodology used regarding the new charter is unbelievable. The Charter is an administrative document, not religious in nature, and should be open for discussion and secret ballot by Clergy-Laity delegates. This is the way an above board organization conducts business. Not through Byzantine intrigue, and coercion.
As a member of "Toastmasters International" I was appalled to learn that Roberts Rules of Order and Parliamentary Procedure were dispensed with at the recent Clergy-Laity Congress. This is hitleristic and dictatorial... this in essence stifled the participation of attending delegates. Convening of the Clergy-Laity Congress was in effect meaningless. More like a Nazi Party gathering. We pray that the good Lord will provide divine guidance to those in power to preclude the dismemberment of the Greek Orthodox Church in America. The Church is heading that way, under the coercive practices of the current leadership.
It is a well known fact that about 80% of the marriages in the Greek Orthodox Church in America are "mixed marriages". That means that one of the spouses is not of Greek descent. The offspring of these unions, their offspring, and so on down the line are Americans. I am one of those, and we are not about to be coerced.
Our Church under Archbishop Iakovos was one of love and cohesion. Since his departure, the Hierarchy has employed the "fear factor" through the establishment of dictatorial practices. We Americans will not put up with this type of treatment. Particularly we war veterans. This is not Nazi Germany. This is America. We are adults and resent being coerced and treated as juveniles. Continuance of such despotic practices will spell the beginning of the end of the Greek Orthodox Church in America. We of mixed marriages are not steeped in Greek ethnicity, we are Americans.
His Eminence, Archbishop Iakovos, was right on target when he assembled all Canonical Orthodox Bishops of America and Canada in Ligonier, Pa. For the purpose of uniting all elements of Orthodoxy in America and Canada. When the Patriarch learned about it he ordered Archbishop Iakovos to retire. His Eminence should have responded, "I'm sorry. We in America and Canada are in the process of unifying all Orthodox Christians, and I intend to do that. Therefore, I am not retiring." A golden opportunity for autonomy was lost.
The Archdiocese and the Patriarchate have lost faith with the communicants. Instead of administering from a platform of love as good Christians, they are employing "fear tactics". A good way to "turn off" communicants. If this keeps up, we of the mixed marriage syndrome will seek alternatives. Metropolitan Philip of the Antiochian Orthodox Church will gladly welcome our membership. The Antiochian Orthodox Church is especially appealing since it has become autonomous. Furthermore, it is not ethnic. We of the mixed marriage syndrome would fit in very nicely. An exodus could very well begin.
Rest assured that we of the mixed marriage syndrome will unite and take appropriate action if the Hierarchy does not get rid of its vindictive and dictatorial policy. It is time that the Patriarch, the Archbishop, and the Metropolitans begin acting as compassionate, loveable Christian leaders, which they should be, instead of dictatorial tyrants. This is not a matter of religion, it has to do with coercive and dictatorial administrative procedures. Particularly where the Charter is concerned. Unilateral approval, without input by the Clergy and the laity, is unacceptable! It is unfortunate that our esteemed spiritual leaders have embraced a dictatorial, divisive, and unchristianlike attitude in administering Church matters.
I am a retired career military officer. World War-2, from Utah beach in France to the "Battle of the Bulge" with General Patton's Third Army; Korea; and Vietnam, and a proud American. My convert wife of 57 years and I feel privileged to have played a key role in starting the Greek Orthodox Church in Hawaii during my tour of duty in Honolulu 1961 to 1964.
The coerciveness and vindictiveness of the Church Hierarchy toward some of the most dedicated Archons and Leadership 100 by threatening them with religious tribunal and excommunication is unbelievable. On what basis? All this because these dedicated Christians wanted the opportunity to discuss and vote by secret ballot on the "proposed Charter." As previously stated, the Charter is an administrative document - not religious in nature.
A revised version of the Jesus Prayer for America's Greek Orthodox communicants could very well read as follows:"Dear lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God have mercy upon me a sinner, and protect me from the dictatorial and vindictive policy of the Church Hierarchy."
"Food for thought" - Military Generals aren't the Army - the soldiers are the Army. The Hierarchy are not the Church - the communicants are the Church!! Without soldiers and without communicants, Generals and Hierarchs would be a non-entity.
This is written out of concern for the future of our Greek Orthodox Church in America. We pray that the good Lord will enlighten our spiritual leaders that we - the communicants - are the Church, and as such, we must participate in the approval and application of administrative procedures, such as the Charter.
With the Love of God,
James L. Christopulos
Colonel, Usaf, Retired
Charlottesville, Virginia
[ Orthodox Truth | - September 1, 2004 ]