The National Herald - January 3, 2009
Houston Archimandrite Suspended
By Theodore Kalmoukos
BOSTON.- A new scandal at the Metropolis of Denver is brewing involving Archimandrite Gabriel Karambis, chief priest at the Annunciation Cathedral of Houston, Texas.
According to a letter sent by Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver dated December 26, 2008, he informs the parish that Rev. Karambis was removed from his priestly duties, placed on suspension and sent to the Spiritual Court of the Denver Metropolis.
“I am deeply saddened to inform you that your former proistamenos, Father Gabriel Karambis, was relieved of all his priestly duties by me by letter on December 12, 2008. A Spiritual Court of the Metropolis of Denver, convened on December 23, 2008, concurred with this action, and farther recommended that the case of Father Karambis be reviewed by the Spiritual Court of Second Instance (Eparchial Synod)”.
Isaiah who were very close friends with Karambis also wrote that “what I wish to share with you is that the reason for Father Karambi’s suspension had nothing to do with the parish or the parishioners. His suspension does not pertain to any financial improprieties against the parish, nor to any misconduct involving minors or parishioners”. He went on to say that “the reason I relieved him of his duties had to do with his own personal life and how it negatively reflected on the holy priesthood”.
The entire letter of Metropolitan Isaiah is the following:
“Beloved in the Lord,
In this life joys and sorrows are always with us. Yet in our Christian life, we know that no sorrow is lasting, but only the joy which comes from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is why our Lord came into the world: to do away with evil and sorrow and to grant to all believers His joy and His peace which will be eternal.
At this time your beloved parish is experiencing sorrow which I pray and hope is only temporary. We are all members of the Body of Christ, His Church; therefore, no one can ever take away the joy which our Lord Jesus Christ has given to us.
Nevertheless, I am deeply saddened to inform you that your former proistamenos, Father Gabriel Karambis, was relieved of all his priestly duties by me by letter on December 12, 2008. A Spiritual Court of the Metropolis of Denver, convened on December 23, 2008, concurred with this action, and farther recommended that the case of Father Karambis be reviewed by the Spiritual Court of Second Instance (Eparchial Synod).
Archimandrite Gabriel Karambis of the Annunciation Cathedral in
Houston, has been suspended for undisclosed reasons.
What I wish to share with you is that the reason for Father Karambi’s suspension had nothing to do with the parish or the parishioners. His suspension does not pertain to any financial improprieties against the parish, nor to any misconduct involving minors or parishioners.
The reason I relieved him of his duties had to do with his own personal life and how it negatively reflected on the holy priesthood. Since this is the only criterion I used in my responsibilities as your Metropolitan to excuse Father Karambis from his duties - a decision which he also understands - please allow him to deal quietly and constructively with his issues, no matter how painful they are.
I urge each one of you to continue to pray for the growth and progress of your holy parish, so that it will always be a shining beacon of hope and of salvation for God's people who are members and who attend for purposes of prayer. Please, also pray for Father Karambis and all people of faith who continue to struggle in this life to ward off the temptations of evil "and the snare of the devil" (1 Timothy 3:7), and to remain committed to Christ, His Church and His coming Kingdom”.
On Monday, December 29 the Archdiocese issued an official Announcement stating in summary Metropolitan Isaiah’s letter.
Archbishop Demetrios of America did not respond to the Herald’s call on Monday morning although he was at the Archdiocese. His press secretary, Stavros Papagermanos said “the Archbishop is unavailable”.
Fr. Karambis was one of crossest confidants of the former Archbishop Spyridon, and also initially of Archbishop Demetrios.
Despite its many efforts The Herald was not able to locate Fr. Karambis. No one seems to know where he is or his telephone contacts, neither his former parish, nor the Metropolis of Denver.
In a telephone call to the Metropolis of Denver, Fr. Ambrose Omaias, assistant administrator said, “Metropolitan Isaiah is on vacation in California and he is expected to return on January 5”. Asked about Fr. Karambis, he said “I am not at liberty to discuses, all I know is that he is suspended from this Diocese”.
The Chancellor Fr. Luke Uhl told the Herald, “I do not have any information whatsoever”. He promised to contact Metropolitan Isaiah and convey to him our message.
In a telephone interview with the Parish Council President Andrew Savas, he said, “Metropolitan Isaiah’s letter speaks for itself and if you need more clarification I suggest you speak to His Eminence”.
[ The National Herald - January 3, 2009 - pp. 1 and 4 ]
[ The National Herald - - December 29, 2008 ]