
Orthodox Christian Laity - September 1, 2018


on the article «Archbishop Demetrios Must Remain Until The Job Is Done»
(Sept 1, 2018) by Nick Stamatakis

Lower Manhattan Cynic on September 1, 2018 3:06 pm


2. That Karloutsos and son have played roles similar to that of Rasputin to the Czar, is not a revelation. It was the case under Iakovos, Spyridon, and now Demetrios. In Byzantium, everyone looked to “the fixer”. This model has been going on for 50 years here in the states, at least. Because we have no transparency, fixers are important in the world of The East. And we are not Western, we are Eastern. The Oligarchs (Leaderless 100, Faithless, and Archnothings) support this system and play the game with the Fixer. Tell me something I don’t know already. At this point in the diseased body, what Karloutsos does or doesn’t do matters very little.


[ Orthodox Christian Laity -
   September 1, 2018 ]