
Monomakhos - April 30, 2023

Has Bartholomew’s Sunflower Gone to Seed?

By George Michalopulos

It’s been four years since Elpidophoros Lambrianides, the Metropolitan of Bursa, was selected by Patriarch Bartholomew to take over the primacy of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese here in the United States.

It hasn’t been a smooth ride, to say the least.
To be sure, being the Archbishop of the GOA has never been an easy job. Unfortunately, one of the things that make it such a precarious position is that the support from this present Ecumenical Patriarch has never been that constant.

We all know the names of archbishops that have been undermined by Patriarch Bartholomew: Iakovos, then Spyridon, and more recently, Demetrius. Getting rid of them was usually a long and tortuous process but in the end, they were all shown the door, one way or the other.

Based on all the recent developments in the geopolitical sphere, one has to ask if Elpidophoros is next in line to be unceremoniously dumped.

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[ Monomakhos
   April 30, 2023 ]