Monomakhos - February 23, 2023
Archbishop Elpidophoros and the New Charter
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George Michalopulos says:
February 24, 2023 at 10:35 am
[...] under the new Metropolitan regime of 2000, these new “metropolises” were now territorial. This meant that the GOA was no longer a missionary/diasporic eparchy but a territorial one with the local metropolitans having “pride of place” on the American continent.
This was a bold claim and caused the GOA and the OCA to get into loggerheads over it on one occasion. In Boston for example, Metropolitan Methodius of Boston forbade his clergy from communing with clergy from the OCA’s Diocese of Boston when Nikon was elected to be the Bishop of Boston.
As a former member of the GOA, I experienced this first-hand back in 1999(?) }after the defenestration of Arb Spyridon and the subsequent elevation of the territorial bishops to metropolitan status. [...]
[ Monomakhos
February 24, 2023 ]