

■   1998

Pastoral Reflections - (February 5, 1998)

Orthodox Observer - February 5, 1998

Pastoral Reflections - (February 20, 1998)

Orthodox Observer - February 20, 1998

Pastoral Reflections - (March 1998)

Orthodox Observer - March 1998

A Special Word of Thanks

Orthodox Observer - April 5, 1998

Pastoral Reflections - (April 20, 1998)

Orthodox Observer - April 20, 1998

Pastoral Reflections - (June 1998)

Orthodox Observer - June 1998

Pastoral Reflections - (July-August 1998)

Orthodox Observer - July-August 1998

Pastoral Reflections - (October 5, 1998)
Exhortation to Archdiocesan Council and Philoptochos Board

Orthodox Observer - October 5, 1998

Pastoral Reflections - (October 20, 1998)

Orthodox Observer - October 20, 1998

Pastoral Reflections - (November 5, 1998)

Orthodox Observer - November 5, 1998

Pastoral Reflections - (November 20, 1998)

Orthodox Observer - November 20, 1998

■   1999

Pastoral Reflections - (January 1999)

Orthodox Observer - January 1999

Reflections on Greek Letters - (February 5, 1999)

Orthodox Observer - February 5, 1999

Pastoral Reflections - (February 20, 1999)

Orthodox Observer - February 20, 1999

Pastoral Reflections - (April 20, 1999)

Orthodox Observer - April 20, 1999

Pastoral Reflections - (May 5, 1999)

Orthodox Observer - May 5, 1999

Pastoral Reflections - (May 20, 1999)

Orthodox Observer - May 20, 1999

Pastoral Reflections - (June 1999)

Orthodox Observer - June 1999

Pastoral Reflections - (August 1999)

Orthodox Observer - August 1999

■   2005

Αναστάσιμες σκέψεις

Focus - 29 Απριλίου 2005

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